Does the Bible have anything to say about abortion?
Would you be surprised to learn that the Bible defends the inhabitant of the womb as a unique human life? From the moment of conception, the Bible teaches that the life inside the womb is human life that is to be protected. At The Light Network, we are committed to defending the truth of the Bible and, consequently, the sanctity of human life – including unborn human life. Here are some podcasts we recorded about what the Bible says on the subject of abortion.
- “Abortion in America” (The New You, S2E11)
- “Scientific Proof that the Fetus is Human” (The New You, S2E12)
- “Biblical Proof that the Fetus is Human” (The New You, S2E13)
- “Does the Fetus Have a Soul?” (The New You, S2E14)
- “Christ’s Solution to the Abortion Problem” (The New You, S2E15)
- “Planned Parenthood and Common Sense Morality” (Culture Shock S2E2)
- “Cutting Edge: Counter Culture” (The Book Club S1E12)
- “The New Royal Not Fetus” (The Royal Family Podcast S0E19)
- “Talking Straight About Abortion: Where Do We Go from Gosnell?” (Culture Shock S0E19)
- “Casting Down the Pro-Choice Bastion” (Culture Shock, S0E8)
- “A Week of Irony” (Culture Shock, S0E4)