Audio Recordings:
- “The Hour Has Come: Exploring the Context of John 17” – Hiram Kemp
- “Unity and Glory” (John 17:1-5) – Robert Hatfield
- “The Magnitude of Christ” – Dan Winkler
- “Marriage Lessons from John 17” – Chance Hicks
- “The Root of Unity” (John 17:6-19) – Ed Gallagher
- “Keeping Money Where It Belongs” – Gary Jenkins
- “Are Marriage Roles Necessary?” – Hiram Kemp
- “Inviting Jesus Into My Daily Life” – Dan Winkler
- “Loving God Above Your Husband” – Emily Hatfield
- “Leadership Lessons from John 17” – Justin Rogers
- “How is the Wife a ‘Weaker Vessel’?” – Robert Hatfield
- “Avoiding Vanity” – Christy Jenkins
- “Remaining Faithful as a Leader” – Justin Rogers
- “How Good and Pleasant (Psalm 133)” – Chance Hicks
- “The Fruit of Unity (John 17:20-26)” – Brad McNutt
TLN’s podcast hosts “come together” to study John 17.
John chapter seventeen is the longest recorded prayer of Jesus. What was our Lord’s focus as he prayed just a few hours before his crucifixion? A careful study of this breathtaking chapter reveals that unity was on his heart.This wonderful prayer will be the focus of The Light Network’s first-ever in person conference (held in honor of our tenth anniversary). The Light Network Conference will be held at the Henderson church of Christ in Henderson, Tennessee. Dive into the longest recorded prayer of Jesus as TLN’s team of podcast hosts speak on our conference theme: “Come Together: Learning Unity from John 17.” In addition to the theme studies, we are offering four tracks from which you may choose which lesson you would like to attend: family studies, growing in your love for Jesus, leadership lessons, and women’s studies. Plus, we will record several episodes of various shows throughout the event. Registration is required, but there is no charge to attend. Use the button (above) to register. If you have family members who plan to come with you, please complete a separate form for each family member who will attend. (Please note that child care is not provided, but your children are welcomed to attend!)

Frequently Asked Questions
- What does it cost to attend The Light Network Conference?
It’s free to attend, but registration is required. - When is the conference?
It begins Friday at 6:00 PM and goes through Sunday at 11:00 AM. - Where will the conference take place?
At the Henderson church of Christ: 240 White Avenue, Henderson, TN 38340 - For whom is this conference?
High school ages and up with special emphasis on women, young adults, church leaders, preachers, and other members - Is there a schedule?
Yes! See the schedule here. - Is child care provided?
No, but you are welcome to bring your children into the sessions. - Will the conference be live streamed?
No, but some of the audio recordings will be made available later online. - I’m traveling from out of town. Where should I stay?
We recommend accommodations in nearby Jackson, TN. - Will there be a worship service on Sunday?
Yes, the Henderson church of Christ meets for worship 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Sunday morning Bible classes (for children and adults) meet at 9:00 AM on Sundays.

The conference will be held at the Henderson church of Christ building, located at 240 White Avenue, Henderson, TN 38340.