Preachers in Training 036: “A Book Review: ‘Fit for the Pulpit'”


Episode #036
For January 9, 2014
“A Book Review: ‘Fit for the Pulpit'”

HOST: Robert Hatfield

GUESTS: Chris McCurley and Michael Whitworth



Show Notes:

  • Robert talks to Chris McCurley, editor of the new book, Fit for the Pulpit, and to Michael Whitworth, owner of Start2Finish Books and contributing author to Fit for the Pulpit.
  • Who ministers to the minister? Surely the preacher has it all together—he doesn’t deal with the issues so common to the human experience, does he? The one who mans the pulpit every Sunday is not superhuman; he is by no means above the fray. He often shares and is well-acquainted with the struggles plaguing his audience. How should the preacher manage his time and control his stress level?  How does he balance family and ministry? How does he deal with critics and discouragers? Preachers need strengthening. They need to be fit for the pulpit.

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