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Episode #009
Recorded Tuesday, February 26, 2013
“Why the Preacher’s Life is the Best Life with Jeff Archey”
HOST: Robert Hatfield
GUEST: Jeff Archey
Video of this episode:
Show Notes:
- Jeff Archey discusses why the preacher’s life is the best life.
- Bro. Archey tells about his time spent as a “bi-vocational” preacher while he worked in the grocery business.
- Hear Bro. Archey’s story about how he transitioned in to “full-time” work with the church at 40 years old.
- Why is the preacher’s life the best life?
- You have the best Savior.
- You preach the best book, the Bible.
- Your wife as your helpmeet
- Home Bible studies / Conversions
- Visits to all kinds of people
- Spend time with the greatest people in the world – our brethren
- Many preacher friends you have – both young and old.
- Youth
- Weddings
- Dear aged brothers and sisters
- We get to stand in the pulpit to preach the gospel and to do something that is the number 1 fear in America – public speaking!
- Because of where I preach – the East Side church of Christ in Cleveland, TN.
Picks of the Week:
- Most helpful volume in Jeff Archey’s library: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge by R. A. Torrey
- Helpful online resource: BibleGateway.com
- Where you can find more from Jeff Archey:
- Personal Blog: “From the Wildwood”
- Church Website: East Side church of Christ
Your Feedback
- Email: preachers@thelightnetwork.tv
- Voicemail: 903-26-LIGHT (903-265-4448)
- If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on iTunes and write a brief review. That would help tremendously in getting the word out! Thanks.
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