“What To Know Before Moving Out On Your Own” (Bountiful S4E7)

Bountiful Season 4, Episode 7 for Monday, October 1, 2018

Nearly everyone, at some point, makes the decision to move out on their own.  Maybe it’s because you’ve finished with your schooling, and you’re now ready to be independent. Maybe you’re getting married. Maybe you got a job offer in a different city or state, so you’re relocating. Whatever the case is, most of us move out of our childhood home and create our own home. And, for most people, we actually don’t have everything figured out at first. We feel ready for the additional freedom, but we aren’t fully prepared for the additional responsibility. In this episode, Gary and Christy pull from some of their personal experience to help you avoid some of the common mistakes when someone moves out on their own.

There are spiritual things to consider before moving out on your own, so have a game plan to address those. Is there a congregation you can worship with near your new residence? Remember that just because you’re no longer living under another person’s rules doesn’t mean  you live under no rules. God still rules in the kingdoms of men, and we are still His servants (1 Peter 2:16-17).
There are physical things to consider before moving out on your own, so have a game plan to prepare for those. Where will you live? What’s the location like? What will that do to your commute? How will you go back and forth to work or to your daily responsibilities? Also, remember to take care of your health. It’s convenient to let our health slip, but it’s prudent to take the time and make choices that will help our bodies be stronger and healthier.
Finally (and most applicable to this podcast!) there are financial considerations before moving out on your own. Have you calculated how much money you’ll need to afford living independently? It’s important to plan where your money will go, otherwise you’ll wonder where it went. As we’re living on our own and supporting ourselves, let’s remember who gives us the ability to work and return to Him a percentage of those material blessings He richly gives to us. Also, there’s savings, debt, renting vs buying a place to live, being a good employee, and overall responsible spending that we have to juggle. 
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