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Host: Emily Hatfield | Released Wednesday, January 15, 2025
On the season opener of Wifey Wednesdays season 21, Emily picks up where she left off in season 20 in the overview of the Bible series. This episode begins with the introduction of Israel’s first earthly king, and what happens when you get exactly what you want – but it isn’t what God had intended for you. Israel’s rejection of God as their king proved to be a terrible move, but the children of Israel are not the only ones tempted to want what the world around them has.
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Episode Transcript
Hello and welcome to Wifey Wednesdays, a podcast for women who are seeking to be the best wives they can be. I’m your host, Emily Hatfield, and this is the show where the plan is always to do things God’s way, especially our marriages.
As we begin a new season of this podcast, I just want to take a moment to look backward for a minute. The other day, I was introduced as someone who has a podcast called Wifey Wednesdays, to which I had to quickly say — well, it’s not really all about being a wife. Because in all actuality, this podcast has morphed and changed with me over the last ELEVEN years. In the beginning, it was a wild time – very wife-centric, very household duties oriented — but as time has gone by, as the seasons of my life have changed, and, really, as the posture of my heart has changed, this podcast has become much more than just a show for wives. It’s a show about letting God control us and consume us – in whatever stage we’re in. It’s about not letting grief and depression be the end of us, but that we can find joy in Christ. It’s about relationships and how we can honor God in them through our words and attitudes and acts of service. And, as of last season, it’s also a show where we come together to learn about who God is and what we can learn of HIM when we approach scripture.
So yeah, welcome to Wifey Wednesdays, a show that is in every way a hodgepodge; a collection of the ramblings of a woman who is just seeking to have her heart ripped wide open and have the love of Christ poured in and pouring out.
So, if you’re a wife, welcome – we will definitely be talking about how to be the best wives we can be, because we’re seeking to be like our Lord. But if you’re not a wife, hey, you’re also welcomed here. Because there’s a lot going on that is not directed at wives, but at the hearts of women who want to be disciples.
I’m really glad you’re here.
And if you are picking up this season and you did NOT listen to last season, maybe I can just ask you real nicely to go back and listen to season 20 first. Because season 20 began an overview of the Old Testament, and we left off with the people demanding a king.
And so, as we begin the 21st season of this podcast, we are going to discuss what it means when you get exactly what you want…but it isn’t what’s best for you.
This is what happens when the people get a king. You remember the first king of Israel, right? This strapping young man who stands a head and shoulders taller than the rest of them, but who deep down is insecure, will become mad with jealousy, and is selfish and insistent that he knows better than God. He showcases the latter by not destroying the Amalekites like God told him too….all the while telling the prophet Samuel — uh, yeah I did obey God, I just knew better and kept all the best stuff to SACRIFICE to Him. That’s when the famous saying comes from Samuel — “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams.”
Here was the king that Israel had demanded. A king who was not perfect, like their previous King – God – had been. Instead, he was flawed, fallible, and weak. After this moment, God rejects him as king, and the story unfolds of his great jealousy toward David, Israel’s next king.
Now, Saul, he’s still king — but his people, well, they’re being tormented by this giant. And Saul isn’t going out to fight…nor are any of the mighty quote warriors. No, a shepherd comes; a shepherd who believes God will have the victory.
But don’t bypass the moment — Israel has demanded a king other than God, and here’s where it leads…to a valley, being mocked by the world.
Then, this same king they chose, becomes murderous in his rage toward David. He tries to kill David, he kills priests…he’s NOT the type of guy you want leading you.
But isn’t this what happens when we think we know better than God. When we end up getting what we want….but, it wasn’t what God wanted. Those things have a way of souring really quickly. I wanted out of this relationship….or I wanted this other relationship. It isn’t the way God intended it, but surely He doesn’t want me to be unhappy….I’ll go and do what I think is best, and even though it will be disastrous spiritually….I want what I want.
Israel was selfish. They were worldly. They were focused on all of the wrong things. They wanted a king like everybody else, when they had had a king like NO ONE else. The God of the universe would come and be among them; would fight their battles and deliver them from the hands of their enemies. All that was required was trust and obedience. But the world looked shiny and fun and….better.
May we be women who are praying consistently that God will turn our heads away from the shiny things of this world. May we be women who are constantly praying that God will help change our appetites – that we will only desire that which is good, instead of being tempted like Eve to get too close and desire too much the wrong types of fruit.
If you spend all of your time focused on the world, you’re going to want what the world has. You’re going to become consumed with what gets the most time in your mind. If that isn’t our Lord — then what will we become like? We aren’t going to become like Him on accident. We aren’t going to be more spiritual just because we carved out three hours in a week’s time to go and be with other people. If we don’t seek God, commune with God, and become consumed with God….then worldliness is already waiting at the door of your heart.
If the children of Israel had been seeking God with their whole heart, they wouldn’t have wanted anyone but Him. But before I go knocking the children of Israel, I need to do a heart check. Because I stumble and fall regularly; I lash out because it feels better than being patient or meek. I focus on what other people have – their nice homes, their successful children, their perfectly coordinated outfits and toned bodies and trendy haircuts….and then I get jealous and bitter and resentful instead of content and grateful.
Sometimes I don’t orient myself toward God and I start wanting what the world has — freedom to do whatever it is they want. Oh please, dear Christian, don’t be tempted by that. Their freedom is slavery to sin and an eternal bondage in torment. Our freedom is denying self, taking up our cross, and following Christ toward ultimate liberation from sin and death!
Let’s orient our hearts toward the Lord – seeking what He wants us to seek; loving what He loves, doing whatever He asks, always looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our salvation!
That’s the plan here on this podcast. To look to Jesus, and to try to keep our hearts tuned to His goodness and His glory, so that when we stumble and fall and fail…we fail forward. We fail in the direction of the Light — and we keep being cleansed by His blood!
Thanks for listening to this season opener of Wifey Wednesdays; I hope you’ll be back with me next time as we keep on looking through the Old Testament, seeking to see more of the heart of God. Thanks again for being with me, and until next time, remember – love God, love your husband.
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