“Can Stress Bless?” Part Four (Under the Juniper Tree S9E3)

Under the Juniper Tree Season 9, Episode 3 for Tuesday, January 29, 2019
I.        Seek God in Faith (v. 5-8) (Ask of God).
A.     V. 5
1.      We may not have any idea what we need to do while going through these trials – ask God.
2.      He gives to all men liberally.
i.        The word means “bountifully.”
ii.      This is given to those who ASK God.
3.      God upbraideth not – He’s not an Indian Giver.
B.     V6-7
1.      James 4:2-3 discusses some reasons why one might ask and not receive from God. Here, we find the another terrible reason why one might not receive when asking for wisdom.
2.      Ask in faith – Do we believe God will answer it? – If not, there is a problem.
3.      Nothing wavering – No doubts.
4.      The person who wavers is like a wave of the sea – driven by the whims of the winds.
5.      If I come to God in full assurance, He will answer my prayer.
6.      If not, I should expect nothing.
C.     V8
1.      Double minded – the idea if that of going in two directions at once.This leads to instability.

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