“Can Stress Bless?” Part 2 (Under the Juniper Tree S9E1)

Under the Juniper Tree Season 9, Episode 1 for Tuesday, January 15, 2019
I. Know the Benefit of the Experience (Knowing This) (v. 3).
A. Knowing this
  1. The author is about to explain to his audience that there is a fact that is known through experience.
  2. What is the fact that would be known?
    B. The trying of your faith.
  3. The trying – gives the idea of metallurgy and the strengthening of metals.
  4. With less impurities the metal becomes stronger. How? It had to go through great stress first.
  5. At times, our faith will be “tried.”
  6. 2 Tim. 3:12
  7. It is imperative to remember the above process – this “trying” has a purpose behind it.
    C. Worketh
  8. Theses trials, if handled the way a Christian should handle them, should do something positive to us.
  9. Worketh = continually produces.
    D. Patience
  10. Patience is endurance through trials.
  11. This isn’t just simple patience.
  12. The word refers to “steadfastness” and “constancy.” (sticktuativeness).
  13. This is a patience that does not quit when the next trial comes.
    E. Think of trees whose roots go deeper when the winds blow.
  14. If trees have shallow roots, they fall.
  15. Trials should lead us to dig our roots deeper in faith.

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