“Live Peaceably With All Men (Rom. 12:18)” (Under the Juniper Tree S8E3)

Under the Juniper Tree Season 8, Episode 3 for Tuesday, September 4, 2018

·         If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. (Rom. 12:18; ESV).

·         Breakdown of the verse:

·         “If Possible…” means that peace may not always be available.

o   But it does imply three things:

§  1. It should be our goal to create peace.

§  2. We should endeavor to create it.

§  3. Peace is not always an easy thing to attain.

·         “…so far as it depends on you…

o   Two implications:

§  We should not be the originators of the argument.

§  We are doing as much as we can on our end to create peace.

·         “…live peaceably with all.”

o   We are to seek peace with the rest of mankind.

o   Consider verses such as Matt. 5:9 and Heb. 12:14.

·         Two Biblical Examples

o   Gen. 13:5-11

o   Acts 15:36-40

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