“Is Counseling a Bad Thing?” (Under the Juniper Tree S8E1)

Under the Juniper Tree Season 8, Episode 1 for Tuesday, August 7, 2018

·         There seems to be a common fear I have been able to note in many a Christian.

o   There is a nervousness when I mention that I am studying to be a counselor.

o   I have even had one preacher express these concerns in a story about a friend of his.

o   I can appreciate their kindness.

·         Common fears I hear:

o   You can fall away from studying counseling.

o   What if you decide to quit preaching?

o   There’s a lot of Atheism in psychology/counseling.

·         To answer:

o   The first and last will be answered together. Both points are true.

§  I have known preachers to fall away from the church from studying the Bible. I knew one man who began to believe that Hell was inconsistent with the nature of God. That idea has led him to take more of an Agnostic approach to things.

§  Many school books that I read contained Atheism, thinly veiled attacks on Christianity/religion, and such. I also noticed there were many times the writers of the book wanted to push evolution but had no clue how.

§  I also have the benefit of going to a Christian college.

§  When people talk about Atheism in counseling they usually do so because they are familiar with one man in the field: Sigmund Freud. Here’s the problem with that point of view. There are many different areas of psychology/counseling that are nowhere close to the views of Freud.

§  Are these questions a possibility for some? Yes. Is this a hard and fast truth? No.

o   The second will be answered in a shorter manner. If I choose to stop preaching to focus on counseling full-time, I can still be a faithful Christian working for the Lord.

·         Let me, from my own point of view, express why I believe counseling is a good thing.

o   Many of the relevant points of counseling are found in scripture.

§  Examples: Adlerian Theory: Charles Adler believed a sense of community somewhere would help the one suffering.  (Acts 2:42 — Fellowship = Community).

§  Cognitive Behavior Therapy teaches that some of our problems come from lies we tell ourselves. We need some correction in those areas to see the truth. (1 Kings 19:14, 18).

o   I have grown as a Christian from my study of counseling.

§  I have had the chance to use principles in my own life, in the lives of others, and even in my sermons.

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