“Pornography Affects My Relationship With God (Part 02)” (Under the Juniper Tree S7E9)

Under the Juniper Tree Season 7, Episode 9 for Tuesday, April 3, 2018

o   Rollercoaster of Hopelessness

§  Countless people have experienced the rollercoaster of repentance, prayer, falling back into the addiction, and the cycle repeats.

§  Eventually people want to just give up because their minds scream, “How could God love a person like me who keeps returning to this? How could He forgive me?”

§  1 John 1:5-10

§  Not advocating that we continue in sin that grace may abound BUT I do want to remind us that IF we are TRYING to fight it and live faithfully there is forgiveness to be found.

§  The only time forgiveness stops if when we choose the second option.

o   It Might Ultimately Cut us Off From God

§  Is. 59:1-2

§  We cut ourselves off from God.


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