“Pornography Affects My Relationship With God (Part 01)” (Under the Juniper Tree S7E8)

Under the Juniper Tree Season 7, Episode 9 for Tuesday, March 27, 2018

o   I understand this is a given but it needs to be pointed out.

o   Pornography consumption will destroy your relationship with God.

o   It Stunts Spiritual Growth

§  2 Pet. 3:18

§  1 Pet. 2:2

§  Heb. 5:12

§  Studies have shown that religious people who use pornography start off strong but over time religion, God, and morality becomes less and less of an important issue.

§  Over time, time doubt begins to grow within those affected.

§  What causes this?

·         We grow stronger in what we expose ourselves to (Rom. 10:17)

·         The less time we spend with God and the more with porn, the less our faith grows.

o   We Find Ourselves Serving Another

§  Matt. 6:24

§  We ought to call addiction what it really is: slavery.


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