“Pornography Can Affect Your Relationships” (Under the Juniper Tree S7E7)

Under the Juniper Tree Season 7, Episode 7 for Tuesday, March 20, 2018

·         There are various relationships we have. Porn will affect them all.

·         Marriage

o   Sciencemag.org: Men who watched pornography partway through a 2-year period doubled their chances of divorce. For men, the number tripled.

§  The younger the respondent, the more likely the divorce.

§  Some may use the correlation does not equal causation argument. The person in charge of the study stated the finding showed a directional effect.

§  Another argument could be, “This is just a moral crusade against pornography.” The person who did the study also said they are not trying to contribute to a moral crusade. This is about information. Samuel Perry was not doing the study to offer a ban.

o   Family Research Council pointed out various effects that porn has on the family.

§  Consumption leads loss of interest in family relations.

§  2/3rds of couples leads a loss of sexual interest in the other.

§  Porn begins as the pathway to infidelity and eventually divorce.

o   Eph. 5:22-33

§  Can husbands say they TRULY love their wives if they are constantly giving in to the sin of pornography?

§  Can that man say that he is putting his wife before himself?

§  Can a wife say she respects her husband and his needs if she puts herself first by viewing pornography?


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