“We Deserve Rest” (Under the Juniper Tree S15E7)

Host: Andrew Crowe  |  Released Thursday, April 28, 2022
We have discussed disconnecting and sleep. Now, we wish to turn our attention to the act of rest. ·         Rest is not something many like to do. May not feel we deserve it. OR there is much to be done. o   Remember, Genesis 1 speaks of the creation account. What happened when God got to the seventh day? We are told He “rested” or “ceased” from His labour (Gen. 2:2-3). This is not because God was tired and needed a respite. He was setting the standard for mankind. o   Later, we read of the command for rest in the 10 Commandments – the Sabbath. o   While we are not bound to the 10 Commandments today, rest is still important for Christian people. o   Psalm 127:1-2 – This speaks of those who live with and without God. Notice one of the blessed given to “his beloved,” that is the people of God. – Sleep.

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