“COVID-19 and the Infodemic” (Under the Juniper Tree S11E10)

Under the Juniper Tree Season 11, Episode 10 for Thursday, May 21, 2020
·         What does the Democratic Party, Republican Party, 5G, or murder hornets have to do with the pandemic? That is the subject of today’s episode. ·         We live in what is called an “infodemic” – you could call it a pandemic of information concerning any number of topics – We will focus on the virus. ·         If one were to look up facts about the virus, one would be bombarded with facts and figures – some of which contradict each other. o   What do we do with all this information? ·         First, let’s heed the sage advice of Abraham Lincoln who said, “Don’t believe everything you see and hear over the internet.” o   It might be hard for us to justify which is truth and which is reality, but I would caution us to stay away from reading things which affirm our confirmation bias. ·         Second, remember there is a such thing as Christian liberty. o   1 Cor. 8; Romans 14 ·         Third, maybe it is time we stepped away from the news. o   A 2019 study showed that those who constantly expose themselves to news and various types of media usually more unhappy. o   A 2015 study showed that the more negative news we ingest makes us less effective in the workplace. Sources: Hoog, N., & Verboon, P. (2019). Is the news making us unhappy? The influence of daily news exposure on emotional states. British Journal Of Psychology111(2), 157-173. doi: 10.1111/bjop.12389 Consuming Negative News Can Make You Less Effective at Work. (2015). Retrieved 15 May 2020, from https://hbr.org/2015/09/consuming-negative-news-can-make-you-less-effective-at-work  

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