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Under the Juniper Tree Season 10, Episode 6 for Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Back in September Jarrid Wilson, a preacher at what is termed a “mega-church,” passed away. o Wilson was an avid supporter of mental health awareness. o Earlier in the day he preached a funeral for a woman whose life was lost by her own hands. o Later that day, Wilson took his own life. · The purpose of bringing this up is not: o Claim that I agree or disagree with what he taught. o To dig up old wounds. · It is to remind us of one thing: preachers and leaders will likely deal with mental illnesses at some point in time. o Think to men in the Bible that we have discussed: Moses, Elijah, and even Jesus seemed to suffer from depression, albeit seasonal. o There are others such as Jeremiah seemed to suffer from it on a more long-term basis. · Preachers, I want to encourage you to be open to communication to your family (wife and others), your leadership (elders), and anyone who can help (counselor). o I fear that many of us are unwilling to speak up for any number of reasons. § We fear people looking down on us. § We fear losing our positions within a congregation. § We fear the wrong things. o Rather, we should fear: § What could potentially happen to us. § What position that leaves the congregation, our family, and so on IF we do. § The lingering effects that will fester long after we leave this earth. · At the same time, I want to speak to those who do not preach and encourage you to remember a few things. o No man in a position of leadership is without his difficulties. o Encourage the preacher on a regular basis. o Be a helper in the Lord’s work.We want to hear from you!
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