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Episode #023
“The Words We Use”
HOST: Andrew Crowe
Show Notes:
Last week, we learned the lie behind the Sticks and Stones – words do have power and can hurt us. This week, we want to look at the words we use.
Outline of this episode:
- Joseph Goebbels was the Minister of Propaganda in Germany during the reign of Hitler. There is a statement which is often attributed to him. From the research I have done there is no actual proof that he actually said this – whether he said it or not, there is truth behind the statement:
- “If you repeat a lie long enough, people will believe it, and you will come to believe it yourself.”
- There is a type of depression that is mental in nature.
- “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” (Prov. 23:7a).
- Our feelings and behaviors can be dictated by the way we think.
- The way we think of others and self.
- That being said, there are only two things we can tell ourselves – the truth or lies.
- Sometimes it can even be lies done in a joking manner – Rodney Dangerfield statements.
- So how do we view self?
- Why is it important that we change the way we think of ourselves?
- The University of Minnesota’s Taking Charge of Your Health and Well Being website reports that negative thoughts will throw our bodies into a chemical imbalance and deplete us of the chemicals that illicit the response of happiness.
- These negatives thoughts will have an impact on our immune system.
- It is also thought to shorten the span of our lives by shortening our telomeres.
- Sometimes, it may be that someone is causing the thoughts we are having. Next, week we will discuss the words that other people use.
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