“House of Prayer” (Ready to Worship S12E3)

Ready to Worship Season 12, Episode 3 for Friday, September 43, 2020
This season on Ready to Worship, we are examining worship in the gospel of Matthew.  As you likely know, worship comes up often in the book. In this study, we are going to examine a rebuke that Jesus gave to the Jewish leaders on one occasion. In the twenty-first chapter, we read, “And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves” (Mat. 21:12-13).  Bible historians record that the Sadducees were in control of the temple at this time. In the outer court, which covered several acres, they sold doves for sacrifices and exchanged money. Perhaps, these practices started as helpful services to worshippers. However, by this time, they were driven by corruption and covetousness. They had turned God’s house, which was supposed to be a house of prayer, into a den of thieves (Isa. 56:7; Jer. 7:11). As I thought about Jesus’ strong  rebuke, and even stronger reaction, I couldn’t help but think about what He might say to individuals today. What have men turned God’s house into today? Some have turned God’s house into a place of entertainment. I like a good show or movie.  I like the theater. I like to laugh. I like to be entertained. No doubt, you do too!  However, God’s house is not a place of entertainment. It is a house of prayer.  It is a place of praise. It is certainly okay to laugh; but, that isn’t why we are there. We are not there to be entertained. We are there to worship our God (John 4:23-24; Psa. 89:7). Some have turned God’s house into a social club. Please understand that I am not against fellowship. I understand that we are social beings (Gen. 2:18).  I am convinced that God in His wisdom designed the assembly with this need in mind (Heb. 10:25).  I enjoy the time spent before and after worship services visiting and talking.  I believe that this interaction is incredibly important. However, God’s house was not intended to be a social club. It is not about seeing one’s friends, catching up on the week’s events, or talking football. It is about praying, praising, purposing, preaching, and partaking. Some have turned God’s house into a fashion show. I believe in dressing up.  I believe that weddings and funerals call for such. I think worship does too. No, I’m not mandating a tie or jacket, though I usually wear one. That is the way that I was raised. It is one of the ways that I show the importance that I attach to an activity. Having said that, I am afraid that sometimes we make worship a fashion show. For example, just think of what often occurs one Sunday in April. Attendance goes up, and so does the attire. Dad, mom, and the children all have on new clothes. Again, I’m not opposed to dressing up. I’m not against new clothes. I just think we need to be careful not to shift the focus from God to us.  This seems to have been one of the things that Paul was addressing in his first letter to Timothy (1 Tim. 2:9-10).  The gold, the pearls, and the expensive dresses were distracting to other worshippers. Some have turned God’s house into a talent competition. I like talented people. I like those who have good voices. I like those who can speak well and sing well. I am thankful for them. I think that we ought to use them and to do so often.  I am not anti-ability. I believe that we should use capable, faithful men (Ex. 18:21, 25; 1 Chron. 5:18; 9:13; 26:8; Neh. 7:2; 2 Tim. 2:2). Worship is too important to trifle with. It is not a time for practice. It is a time for praise. We should train men and when they are ready, we should use them. However, having said that, God’s house is not a talent competition. It is not about brothers outdoing each other. A good leader doesn’t draw attention to himself. He draws the worshipper’s attention to God. As we get ready to worship this week, let’s make sure that we don’t turn God’s house into something other than a house of prayer.  Let’s use it for that which God designed it.

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