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Preachers in Training Season 6, Episode 4 for Thursday, August 31, 2017
This is the annual Tools of the Trade episode! At PTP, Robert sat down with three other gospel preachers to find out some of their favorite tools in ministry. He asked them the same five questions:
- What is your favorite low-tech study tool (other than your Bible)?
Wes – Truth for Today Commentary Series
http://stores.gospeladvocate.com/truth-for-today-commentaries-new-testament-individual-volumes/ -
Andy – The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (R.A. Torrey)
https://www.christianbook.com/treasury-of-scripture-knowledge/r-a-torrey/9781565638334/pd/06224?product_redirect=1&Ntt=06224&item_code=&Ntk=keywords&event=ESRCP -
Wayne – Bob Winton Commentaries
- What is your favorite high-tech study tool?
Wes – Graceway Media
https://www.gracewaymedia.com/ -
Andy – Preaching Through the Bible CDs by Franklin Camp (No Link Available)
Wayne – Logos
- What is something exciting happening at your congregation that others may want to implement?
Wes – Forrest Park had Rob Whitacre come to do a personal evangelism seminar.
http://www.wvbs.org/index.php/categories/evangelistic/back-to-the-bible-workbook-by-bobby-bates.htmlForever His special needs day camp
http://www.forrestpark.org/HIS/index.htm -
Andy – Next summer, Phillips Street will do a VBS format for their Wednesday evening children’s classes (5th grade and under) in June and July!
Phillips Street will also spend a month focused on seed sowing.
Wayne – Nesbitt has a week-long VBS each year. They also have an annual lectureship. Implementing a live stream is a goal for the future.
- What is your favorite thing about preaching?
Wes – Being able to be there when someone “gets it,” when it “clicks.”
Andy – Being involved in people’s lives, and being a part of a longer ministry at a local congregation.
Wayne – Wayne says, “I’m with you guys.” Being involved in people’s lives makes ministry even more rewarding.
This episode was recorded from The Light Network’s booth in the exhibit hall of Polishing the Pulpit. Guests are Westley Hazel, Andy Brewer, and Wayne Rodgers.
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