What Can We Do in a Pandemic? [Blog Post by Emily Hatfield]

What can we do in a pandemic?

1: Pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17).

Pray for those who are sick, anxious, overwhelmed, financially insecure, out of work. Pray for our influence, and that God will be glorified and more souls will be drawn to His goodness and His holiness and His promise of a home free from sickness and death.

2: Love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:31).

Actively look out for their welfare, especially if they are weak in immunity.

3: Give (Acts 20:35).

Give your neighbors toilet paper or Clorox wipes or groceries. Especially give them the benefit of the doubt before ranting about them online.

4: Trust God (Prov. 3:5).

Lean not on your understanding of the virus. Or the media’s. Or your Facebook friend. Trust in the One who sees the end from the beginning, Who sees and heals and provides and protects and nourishes and works things together for good and His glory.

5: Be anxious for nothing (Matt. 6:34, Phil. 4:6).

There is a difference in clinical anxiety and getting worked up about things you have no control over or things that may or may not happen. Avoid dwelling on what might happen and proactively do the above, and all the more as you feel anxiety creeping in.

— Emily Hatfield

The Light Network