“Help, My Teen is Leaving for College” (The Hey Joe Show S10E11)

Hosts: Joe and Erin Wells  |  Released Thursday, May 27, 2021
When he was born, our lives changed drastically. Our attention was constantly on him and his well-being. We documented his first time to roll over, his first steps, his first words, and even his first successful trip to the potty. We sang the songs, did the dances, said the prayers, read the books, and laughed, knowing this day would one day arrive but constantly pushing it out of our minds. Through the years, we experienced the joys and the tears of raising him. We are proud of the young man he has become, and most importantly, we are proud of his walk with the Lord. It’s transition time again as we look at him leaving our nest to soar off to college. That’s what this episode is about. How are we doing? How are we processing everything? What have we learned that might be a blessing to other parents along the journey? Listen is as Joe and Erin discuss this time of transition.

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