Podcast Episodes

  Episode #006 "Seeking Rest: Prayer" HOST: Melissa Clevenger       Show Notes: While we know we need to rest, ...

  Episode #006 Recorded Thursday, January 31, 2013 "Cutting Edge: 'Heart of the Matter, Letters to My Children'" HOST: Brad McNutt   ...

  Episode #004 Recorded Friday, February 1, 2013 "The 'Let Us' of Worship" HOSTS: TLN Staff     Video of this episode: ...

  Episode #006 Recorded Tuesday, January 29, 2013 "Glenn Colley on Avoiding Burnout" HOST: Robert Hatfield GUEST: Glenn Colley (Huntsville, ...

  Episode #005 "Corinth" HOST: Emily Hatfield       Video of this episode: Show Notes: See some of Emily's ...

The Light Network