“Mortgages In The News” (Bountiful S15E14)

Hosts: Gary & Christy Jenkins  |  Released Monday, April 22, 2024

Mortgages have been in the news a lot recently. Higher interest rates combined with higher prices have made mortgages more expensive than in the past few years. In this episode, Gary & Christy take away the click-bait words and (some) bias as they discuss interest rates, home prices, and things to consider when applying for a mortgage today.

Regardless of what mortgage rates do, remember this world is not our home. Even if you don’t get your dream home on earth, don’t let it discourage you to the point where you forget about your dream home in heaven. Jesus paid the price for that eternal home, making it affordable for everybody. Our part is to apply for that spiritual mortgage and stay faithful to our obligation to the Lord.


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