“Living The Good Life” (Bountiful S14E7)

Hosts: Gary & Christy Jenkins  |  Released Monday, October 9, 2023
The good life may look different for you than for me, and how we define happiness or success has a huge impact on our perspective of what “the good life” means. In this episode, Gary & Christy compare a worldly viewpoint and a spiritual viewpoint of the good life. The worldly viewpoint of the good life involves being self-sufficient, self-centered, and focusing on physical blessings we want. The spiritual viewpoint involves fully relying on God, centering our life to glorify the Lord, and focusing on the spiritual blessings in Christ. The world is all around us, and it’s easy to fall into its line of thinking. When we hear about “the good life” let’s make sure we’re faithful in our stewardship of God’s blessings to us. Our souls are precious; let’s not cheapen them by chasing “the good life” that’s only going to be temporary.

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