“Being Patient With Ourselves” (Bountiful S14E5)

Hosts: Gary & Christy Jenkins  |  Released Monday, September 11, 2023
The Bible encourages us to be patient (Romans 12:12; Galatians 6:9). There are familiar quotes about patience, like “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” And even when it comes to our personal finances, patience is vital because our savings don’t grow overnight just like our debts don’t disappear overnight. But what about being patient with ourselves? Do we give ourselves grace when we make financial mistakes? Do we tolerate the monetary ups & downs without getting upset, or do we chide ourselves for not being more proactive?  In this episode, Gary & Christy discuss being patient when we make money mistakes, remaining patient when things don’t go as planned, and maintaining patience when things do go as planned. “Let’s look forward at our reality rather than look backward at our mistakes.”

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