“Stopping A Line Of Sin” (Authentically Adam S9E2)

Host: Wayne Jones  |  Released Wednesday, January 31, 2024
This week episode centers around the idea that sin can be and often is  passed down from generation to generation. We learn the basic functions of life (.e., walking and talking) by watching and listening to others. The same is true for many sinful practices. We often pass these down like an inheritance, but as fathers it is up to us to stop the line of sin. We must consider why we struggle with the things we struggle with. We must determine if those things were simply inherited (by teaching and practice) from the generation before us. This type of changes requires serious self-awareness and self-examination. Wayne encourages us, the week, to have the courage to consider and correct these things.

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Credit is given to The Black Suits for the music for Authentically Adam. Three young men who mean a great deal to me wrote and recorded this music in their teenage years. They helped me to be more authentic and spiritual. Shane, Kyle, and Daniel, I love you guys more than you know. Shane, I hope to see you again one day.
The Light Network