“Oneness & Individuality In Marriage Part 2” (Authentically Adam S7E4)

Host: Wayne Jones  |  Released Wednesday, February 1, 2023
The balance between being one (as God called us to be in marriage) and continuing to grow as an individual can be a delicate thing. Wayne, along with Kolton Ballance, continues to discuss this issue in this week’s episode. Male leadership does not preclude women from growing and developing their own habits, talents, and hobbies. Drawing from Genesis 1:27; 2:24, Genesis 11:1-7, Proverbs 31:10ff, 1 Peter 3:1-7, and Ephesians 5:25-27, Biblical principles and expectations are applied in addressing this concept.
Discussions this week include the real reason that God gives us relationships in this life; what bullying and emotional abuse might do to our spouses; and what it really means to lead our wives as they continue to grow and mature in their own individuality to the glory of God.

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Credit is given to The Black Suits for the music for Authentically Adam. Three young men who mean a great deal to me wrote and recorded this music in their teenage years. They helped me to be more authentic and spiritual. Shane, Kyle, and Daniel, I love you guys more than you know. Shane, I hope to see you again one day.

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