“While They Are Ours” (Authentically Adam S1E4)

Authentically Adam Season 1, Episode 4 for Wednesday, January 29, 2020
One of the greatest blessings God has ever given is the blessing of time. However, it can also be man’s most neglected and misused blessing. As men of God, we should use the time we have to God’s glory and to the benefit of those we are leading. This is certainly true when in comes to our children. Listen this week, as we discuss the value of the time we have while they are ours.

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Credit is given to The Black Suits for the music for Authentically Adam. Three young men who mean a great deal to me wrote and recorded this music in their teenage years. They helped me to be more authentic and spiritual. Shane, Kyle, and Daniel, I love you guys more than you know. Shane, I hope to see you again one day.

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