“While They Are Ours (Part 2)” (Authentically Adam S1E18)

Authentically Adam Season 1, Episode 18 for Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Back in episode 4, we discussed some fatherhood principles that would help produce faith in our children. Since our time with them is limited, we must make good choices and use our opportunities wisely. This is the followup discussion to that conversation.

Episode Resources

  • Book Recommendation – “Holy Spirit Elders” by Harold G. Taylor

We want to hear from you!

Credit is given to The Black Suits for the music for Authentically Adam. Three young men who mean a great deal to me wrote and recorded this music in their teenage years. They helped me to be more authentic and spiritual. Shane, Kyle, and Daniel, I love you guys more than you know. Shane, I hope to see you again one day.

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