“Securing Your Home” (Authentically Adam S4E11)

Host: Wayne Jones  |  Released Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Adultery, abandonment, neglect, and divorce seem to be a prevalent in the church as it is outside of the church. In this episode, Wayne acknowledges this reality and offers some practical ways that we might keep our homes, specifically our marriages, from total ruin.
We should…
1. Spend time reflecting on the nature of God
2. Consider God’s original purpose for marriage
3. Make your relationship with your wife a priority
4. Realize that there is more at stake than just your marriage
Also, don’t for get the book give-away. Remember to respond to, share, or like a recent podcast. If you do, you will entered to win a free book. Wayne’ s email address is wjunivcfoc@gmail.com.

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Credit is given to The Black Suits for the music for Authentically Adam. Three young men who mean a great deal to me wrote and recorded this music in their teenage years. They helped me to be more authentic and spiritual. Shane, Kyle, and Daniel, I love you guys more than you know. Shane, I hope to see you again one day.

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