“Observations Under the Juniper Tree” Part 2 (Under the Juniper Tree S2E2)



Season 2, Episode 2
For Thursday, August 13, 2015
“Observations Under the Juniper Tree” Part 2

HOST: Andrew Crowe




Show Notes:

  • On last week’s episode, Andrew introduced Elijah and who he was. This week, Andrew explores the topic of some of the symptoms of depression that Elijah shows.

Outline of this episode:

  • Loss of Interest in Daily Activities and Hobbies

    o   1 Kings 19:3

    o   One may look to this verse and ask, “How does this show a lack of interest?”

    o   Part of the lack of interest deals with the fact that people will try and separate themselves from others who are around them.

    o   Elijah is putting himself in a position that he would be alone.

    o   “Even in his anxiety about himself, he had tender consideration for others; and, besides, he wanted complete solitude” (Charles Spurgeon).

  • Thoughts of Death/Suicide Attempts.

    o   1 Kings 19:4

    o   He rests under a juniper tree (broom tree) which would have provided Elijah with ample protection from the sun.

    o   He says, “It is enough.” He felt he had endured enough of this. He had lived long enough.

    o   While he is not trying to kill himself, he is actively wishing for death to come his way.

    o   Many who suffer from depression often have thought of their own demise, sometimes by their own hands.

  • Thoughts and Feelings of Helplessness, Worthlessness, and Guilt

    o   1 Kings 19:4

    o   He says, “I am no better than my fathers.” This is likely a reference to the prophets who came before him.

    o   “God, they preached to the people and died at their hands. I’m no better than they.”

    o   He feels like a failure.

  • Next week: Two more symptoms we want to examine.

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