The Hey Joe Show

Navigating through a jungle can be very scary. To try and accomplish this when unprepared or ill-equipped is beyond scary, it’s dangerous. The Hey Joe Show, a weekly podcast produced by Joe and Erin Wells is designed to confront, head-on, the issues facing teens today with the power of a biblical worldview using God’s Word as our standard. Parents will be encouraged, educated, and equipped to help their teen traverse the deadly jungle called “culture.” Teens will be empowered to boldly stand, even in the midst of the masses bowing down to whatever god is luring peers away. There is no dodging of the issues. This is straight talk with teens and families in today’s culture.

Hosts: Joe and Erin Wells  |  Released Thursday, February 24, 2022 You may have grown up with it, but that doesn't mean it is healthy. The way we ...

Hosts: Joe and Erin Wells  |  Released Thursday, February 10, 2022 It has been sold as the safer alternative to cigarettes, but that’s like saying ...

Hosts: Joe and Erin Wells  |  Released Thursday, January 20, 2022 It’s the cloud that seems to continue to follow America everywhere we go. We can’t seem ...

Hosts: Joe and Erin Wells  |  Released November 19, 2021 Run more, eat less, and drink more water. Healthy, right? Not completely. It’s incredible how ...

Hosts: Joe and Erin Wells  |  Released Thursday, November 18, 2021 Striving for more…running faster…working longer hours… constantly pushing for more and ...

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