Support TLN

We are often asked how listeners can support The Light Network. We’re humbled that you deem our work worthy of your support. Here’s how you can help.

We need support through your prayers.

The Light Network is what it is today because of God’s blessings. We would be honored if you would include us in your petitions before God on a regular basis. To God be the glory for all that we do!

We need support through subscriptions and spreading the word.

One of the best ways to support TLN is by subscribing to your favorite shows. You can do this through iTunes or through RSS. The links to subscribe are at the bottom of every episode. Subscribing is as easy as a click of a button and it’s totally free! Once you have subscribed, each new episode of the show to which you subscribed will be automatically delivered to you.

It would also be great for you to pin, share, tweet, and post about our shows on social media. Our social media links are at the top, right corner of this website. Also, the good ol’ fashion word-of-mouth is still a great way to tell people about TLN!

Subscribe to our email list to receive the TLN Weekly email each Saturday.

Link to us on your blog or church website. We are always honored when individuals or churches link to our website from their sites! Also, adding us to your church bulletin is another great way to spread the word!

We need financial support.

If every listener donated $5/month (a sacrifice of one fast food meal per month), all of our operating costs would be covered, and we would have the ability to improve and expand the network. Reaching this goal would allow us to equip the rest of our hosts with industry-leading audio equipment, help us add more podcasts and hosts to our network, and provide necessary funds to raise further awareness about the work of The Light Network.

Please Donate on Our Patreon Page

The Light Network